Sunday, September 16, 2007

Business in the front - Party in the back

No - I’m not going to write about some funky new sex position (sorry to say the “S” word, dad), I was referring to hairstyles. I was talking to a great friend of mine today and decided I finally had warn him about my new hair color as I will be visiting Denver this up-coming weekend.

A few weeks ago, I went to get a new hair color - Copper/Red with Blonde highlights. Well, as I am known to do, I researched and researched where in NM to have it done. Rules? Had to be an Aveda Salon, had to be located in a hip area, and had to come with top-notch references (and some people say I have too high of expectations. No, really - they do…). After weeks of searching I found the crowned jewel, award winning and all! Let me beat you to the punch-line - Crowned jewel of crap!

There was this young girl, we’ll call her Snatchafrass, who looked like she just stepped out of the 80’s but probably hadn’t even been born in the decade she so proudly represented (“Regan, who? Wasn’t he on Laguna Beach?”).

I digress - So she underestimated how much red she needed to make (twice), and consequently thrust three different colors of red upon my cringing scalp. The bottom two weren’t that bad they kinda clicked and looked “radical“. Now the roots - well, lets just say our “tubular” Snacherella created a Bozo the Clown stunt double. I “totally freaked!” The real “heinous” thing about it? Even after I complained she said to me “That’s going to be $145.” “AS IF!”

I didn’t pay her. And the Bozo color, like the clown himself, has faded into obscurity.

Wow, for some completely unknown and unrelated reason, I have an unbearable desire to watch Bill & Ted….and use words with the letter “U”….

:) Sweet dreams

1 comment:

becoloradogirl said...

Heatha? Welcome to blogging! Love your posts so far!!